Next Sunday (6th) is Holy Humour Sunday. Anyone got any jokes they would like to share?
Kingswood Foodbank needs are size 7 nappies, shaving foam, tinned veg, washing up liquid, tea bags, curry & pasta sauces and kitchen & bathroom cleaning products. Thank you all very much.
On Saturday 5th April, at 7:30pm, at Staple Hill Methodist Church, a concert by the Bristol Voices Community Choir. From classical to pop, folk to jazz and world music to old English. Tickets £10 on the door.
On Good Friday, Unity Oldland are holding an Easter Art Exhibition. Do you have any artwork that you could let them have? It could be paintings, photo’s, postcards, sculpture, tapestry, anything that could be associated with Easter. If you do have something, please see P. J. The exhibition will be open from 10am to midday and then 3 to 4pm. There is a walk of witness from 2 to 3pm.
At KMC on Good Friday, Prayer Stations from 10:30am to 1pm. There will be a normal service at Potterswood at 10am.
The day before, Maundy Thursday, at 7pm, at the United Church Longwell Green, there is a hand/ foot washing service.
In the latest Newsletter from Turnaround (Bristol Methodist Centre) there is a mention of items they need. These include Bath Towels, Men's Joggers (s/m), Women's T-shirts (8-14), Women's leggings (8-14), Women's underwear (8-10), Popup Tents (or regular one-man tents) and Roll mats. Additionally, over Easter, they would welcome donations of Chocolate Oranges and Hot Cross Buns Easter. Any such donations will be delivered to the Centre by Peter. Your prayers for the Centre will also be much appreciated.
We now have some posters which will appear at different times of the year on the outside noticeboard, next to that which shows the name of the next preacher. A Mothering Sunday poster is currently being shown.
The Methodist Church response to this weeks Spring Statement is this: “Overall, it was not good news for those concerned about poverty or peace.” Poverty and inequality in the UK are on track to increase. Rather than addressing these concerning trends, which cause so much harm to people’s lives, the measures announced in this Spring Statement will exacerbate them. The Statement confirmed the removal of money from the long-term work of international development, that can build peace and real security. The Statement did include some welcome investments, especially in housing, but overall, it was not good news for those concerned about poverty or peace.”
Lectionary 30th March to 5th April. Joshua 5.9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5.16-21; Luke 15.1-3,11b-32. What kind of welcome? Responding to criticism that he is spending too much time with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus tells the well-known story of the lost son. A younger son asks for his inheritance, which he then squanders on wild living, leaving him destitute. He decides to return home to ask for his father’s forgiveness and is surprised to be greeted not with a reprimand but with a warm welcome and a celebratory party. The loyal older son, however, is resentful of the fuss made over the returning prodigal – and less than welcoming to his returned sibling. Feeling welcome is so important, but do we know how to offer it as a thoughtful host and to receive it as a grateful guest?
The Methodist Church is providing throughout Lent “Soul Food – daily deliveries of spiritual nourishment”. This will be done via an email to your in box:
Easter at KMC. There will be a Palm Sunday service on 13th April and an Easter Sunday service the following week. Fun Finders will run on Thursdays 10th and 17th April. In addition, Prayer Stations will be set up in the church on Good Friday for those who want to spend some time in quiet prayer and meditation. The timing of this has still to be decided.
Those of you that drive, might wish to be aware that S Glos Council is reintroducing parking charges in its car parks sometime in the Spring.
During the Easter school holidays, the New Room is holding a ‘Wonderful Water Community Arts Festival’. Various activities are available, all free. More details can be found on their web site. Or ask Peter what is happening.
The purpose of Kingswood Methodist Church is to respond to God's Love in Christ and to live out that love in God's world.