News and Coming Up

Thank you very much Mollie and Brenda for your idea of how to celebrate last weeks Church Anniversary and for the decorating.

Thank you too everyone who stayed and shared lunch together afterwards. A particular mention to Nana and Sophie who did so much of the washing up. £42 is being donated to Church funds.

Today is Rural Mission Sunday. A time to think about the problems that churches in rural communities have and to pray for them.

Kingswood Foodbank is in need of tins of fruit, veg, spuds & toms, curry sauces, cartons of long-life milk, shampoo and deodorant. Thank you all very much.

The first garden to be sponsored by the Methodist Church at the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park, has won a gold medal, the Environmental Innovation Award and Best In Show. This Garden Isn’t Finished Without You’, was designed by Ollie Pike from Pike Studio and the Methodist Church. It largely focuses on sustainability and climate resilience to match the Methodist Church’s ambitious aims.

Oldland Methodist Church is holding a bible study on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, starting at 4pm. That means there is one today (21st), Everyone is welcome.

The next Preaching Plan – for September, October and November – shows that there will not be a service at KMC on 8th September, 27th October and 24th November. There will be a United Service at Potterswood on the September date. It is a period of special services with our Harvest Festival on 15th September, Rededication Service on 13th October, Black History Month Service on 20th October and Remembrance Sunday Service on 10th November.

The New Room Summer Offer: Enjoy Your Museum Visit and Cream Tea for Only £10. What's the best way to end an informative visit to the New Room museum? Cream tea, of course! Grab your £10 combo ticket and enjoy a relaxing break in their cozy café after your visit. I am told that their homemade scones are irresistible.

P. J.s Big Party. In conjunction with her other churches, we would like to make a collection for P. J. so that we can give her one big present. If you would like to contribute, please pass your contribution to Helen by the end of August.

Lectionary 21st to 27th July. 2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 89:20-37; Ephesians 2.11-22; Mark 6.30-34,53-56. Let God be God. Now settled in his new capital, Jerusalem, David resolves to make a temple as a permanent dwelling place for the God who has been on the move alongside his people since they left Egypt, and with David since he was chosen to be Israel’s king. But God has other ideas: this is not the time for the building of a temple, a task that will fall to David’s successor, Solomon. Nonetheless, God makes an everlasting covenant with David that secures his royal dynasty. Are we tempted to domesticate God? How can we respond to a God who refuses to be pinned down or confined to the houses we wish to make for him? How can we let God be God?

The coffee morning slots for September and October have now been filled but we still need someone for Saturdays 9th November and 14th December.

A programme of free community events is taking part in Kingswood Park this summer. These include Group Walks on Wednesday afternoons, starting 17 July, from 1 to 2pm: an opportunity to explore the park, get some fresh air and exercise, with company and refreshments. Also included are Gardening Workshops on each Wednesday, from 1 to 3pm - meet at the bandstand. There are Yoga and Tai Chi events too.

The funeral of Fran Churchouse will be on Monday 5th August at Westerleigh. I do not have a time yet. Fran’s only brother died 6 days after she did so please hold all the family in your prayers.

The 2024 Methodist Conference has now concluded. In her address, the new President of Conference, the Reverend Helen Cameron, invited us into a period of reflection as a Church in order to examine our life robustly. She said we must pay attention to the structures of society and church which are unjust, and to look to the margins, to the people who our structures and resourcing decisions so often exclude, silence and render invisible. She went on to say ‘in this period of reflection may we learn to do what is right, to seek justice and rebuke all those who oppress (including ourselves, our systems and structures). May we begin by doing just one thing differently. May we wake up from our slumbers, from complacency and avoidance of that which discomforts us and embrace the waking life of love and justice.’

Phase 1 of work on the Whitfield Tabernacle has now been completed. Essentially this was work to save the building. Work is now about to start installing floors, heating and plumbing. The Reverend Anthony Hick is a key player in this. If you would like to have your say about what the Tabernacle should deliver, please email Kim Scudamore at to find out more. Options include craft activities, exercise and wellness sessions, plays and musicals, film screenings, comedy nights, music performances (tell us what sort of music you’re most interested in), art activities and exhibitions, café/somewhere to meet, talks and dance events. art activities and exhibitions, café/somewhere to meet, talks and dance events.

Amongst the topics discussed at the AGM was the loading of tasks on some people. To try and alleviate this, is there anyone who is willing to go on a rota to prepare and serve the refreshments and then wash up after our Sunday Service? If so, please talk to Peter or Helen.

Another task we need someone to take on is Gift Aid Secretary. I use the word ‘Secretary’ loosely as the role involves calculating, just once a year, the amount of tax we can reclaim on the sums people have given to the church. Being comfortable with working on a spreadsheet is desirable.

50 years ago this month we saw the first ordination of women in the Methodist Church.. Women had been permitted to be Deacons since 1890 but allowing them to become presbysters was a massive new step. And the ordinations of the 17 women took place here in Bristol as that is where the 1974 Methodist Conference was held. I dread to think where the Methodist Church would be without women Presbyters!

THE BIG PARTY. Twenty years ago, a very young P. J. boarded a plane from Dallas for Birmingham and the beginning of her ministry in the United Kingdom started. Twenty years and several circuits later, P. J. will celebrate her anniversary with us, and her other churches, with a big party of good food and entertainment on Saturday, September 7th, from 1:30pm, at Unity Oldland. You are cordially invited to be there. A sign-up sheet is on the noticeboard in the foyer – please add your name if you intend to attend so we can get an idea of how many to cater for.

Our next Pastoral Visitors meeting is Tuesday, 10th September, and with the passing of our much loved Marion is anyone willing to look after the people on Marion's list? We need more people to offer to be Pastoral Visitors. If you are willing to help in this matter, please let P. J. know. Also, let her know if you have not received your membership card.



The purpose of Kingswood Methodist Church is to respond to God's Love in Christ and to live out that love in God's world.

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