Kingswood Foodbank needs are tinned tomatoes and fruit, crisps, coffee, sugar and ladies deo, Thank you all very much.
I have heard from Samaritans Purse about the shoebox appeal. Last year there was an increase in the number of shoebox gifts packed, both in the UK and globally. In fact, this past campaign resulted in the highest number of shoebox gifts packed worldwide in a single year – praise God!
UK: 241,015 Global: 11,927,439
Those that we packed here at KMC went to central Asia.
Warm Space Week starts on Monday 17th here at KMC and runs every day until Friday 21st. Come and spend a couple of hours – 10 to midday – in the warm with free refreshments. Do jigsaws, play board games, chat, whatever you want.
Today is Racial Justice Sunday and its 30th Anniversary. RJS was established by the Methodist Church in 1995 following the tragic racist murder of Black teenager Stephen Lawrence in southeast London in April 1993. The Lawrence family attended a local Methodist Church in that part of the capital, and the Methodist Church agreed to support the family’s justice campaign to find young Stephen’s killers. A few years later, the Churches’ Commission for Racial Justice (CCRJ), a Churches Together in Britain and Ireland programme, agreed to mainstream the special Sunday so that all the churches could engage with it. The theme this year is ‘Coat of Many Colours’, reflecting the increasing diversity that exists in the churches in Britain and Ireland.
The New Room Spring Programme is now out. If you have internet access, you can see what is on here: Amongst the activities is Big Fish, Little Fish in half term week (18th & 19th), free drop-in craft sessions inspired by the wonders of water!
Lectionary 9th to 15th February. Isaiah 6.1-8 (9-13); Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15.1-11; Luke 5.1-11. Whom shall I send? Jesus calls his first disciples, among them fishermen including Simon (later Peter). Simon and Jesus already knew each other, but, as a result of the miraculous catch of fish, Simon sees Jesus in a new light, and he is given a new task to do – to catch people. Simon Peter is changed by an encounter with God’s power and glory. We too need to have a fresh glimpse of God’s majesty as he forgives us, cleanses us and equips us to go into the world for him.
Kingswood Foodbank needs are tinned tomatoes and fruit, washing up liquid, sugar, oil and cartons of fruit juice. Thank you all very much.
The draft Preaching Plan for March, April and May has been published. We will not have services on 23rd March, 27th April and 25th May. During this period, we will have Mothering Sunday on 30th March, Palm Sunday on 13th April and Easter Sunday (20th April). There will be prayer stations at the church on Good Friday. Please see Services page for more details
The latest Newsletter from Turnaround – formerly The Bristol Methodist Centre – tells us that “the beginning of January saw us return to work and go straight into Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP). We were running for six days (Monday - Sunday) where we continued our day provision and then each evening we would change the building into a night shelter provision. Previously we have only had space for 10 guests, this year and with some investment from the council and some rejigging on our part, we were able to offer 18 beds for those in need during this time.” It is wonderful news that they were able to do this.
Warm and well roadshows. Message from S Glos Council. “If you’re struggling to heat your home or with everyday living costs, pop along to one of our warm and well roadshows coming up in Kingswood. The roadshows take place at Kingsmeadow Made4ever, Kingswood on Thursday 30th January between 11.30am and 1.30pm and at Kingswood One Stop Shop on Monday 24th February between 9am and midday.”
February is LGBT+ History Month, an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary history. The ‘plus’ sign after LGBT indicates that our identities are more diverse than labels can represent, so all are included.
The purpose of Kingswood Methodist Church is to respond to God's Love in Christ and to live out that love in God's world.